Dr. Atkins flew me to New York for a 4 day photo shoot for his product catalog back in June 1999.
I had a great time. (Including a great eating budget allowance!)
Dr. Atkins treated me to a "Handsome Cab" ride around Central Park
The photo location was near the beautiful fountain in Central Park
In front of my hotel after a little shopping
My hotel was right around the corner from the Letterman Show Theater.
A huge media vehicle picked me up to go on a location shoot. How he drove down those narrow streets, I'll never know!
The Grand Finale
The last day of my stay, I discovered a wonderful steak joint called Gallaghers...
It was not even 2 blocks away from my hotel! Ha!
I ordered the biggest steak they had (Ribeye), and the biggest Lobster.
You know I ate well, and I ate it all!

Thank you, Dr. Atkins, for the exciting New York experience. I will remember it always!
Click on the thumbnails to enlarge
Handsome Cab Ride
Central Park
They made me
feel special
The Letterman Show